
Wellness in the Workplace

The focus of consulting services is on supporting individuals and workplace communities in developing ways to carry out their goals, while honoring health in every aspect. The approach consists of exploring burnout and the cultural implications of its emergence, experience, and healing process.

We explore ways to gain:

• A more fine-tuned ability to maximize individual strengths and collaborate efficiently with other team members.

• A deeper understanding of the role of inclusion in upgrading the quality of collaborative work.

• An increased sense of empathy and collegiality among team members.

• An expansive approach to applying individual talents professionally and becoming a “walking diversified portfolio”.

 • A growing openness to practice self-care/self-regulation to optimize functioning in individual and group tasks.


Enhancing Wellness

Facilitation of group conversations.

Provision of module about compassion fatigue vs. burnout.

Provision of module about the influence of survival narratives from historical trauma on the development of burnout.

Professional Growth

Creation of retreat experiences.

Support in discovering new ways of being of service through your brand.

Assistance in identifying policies that, through supporting inclusion, increase professional growth, promote creativity and an affirming experience for all team members.


Curriculum for ongoing work to create and sustain wellness, beyond consultation.

Provision of resources for group and individual post-burnout growth.

Periodic re-visiting of process, upon request, to review practices that reinforce the creation of a nourishing environment.

Just For Creatives

This is a journey of collaboration that supports artists’ visions of the work they’re creating by assisting in the development of stories that accurately reflect how psychological processes influence characters and their relationships.

This support would be available across a variety of mediums, including television, film, theater, books, and dance. The endless possibilities in providing storytelling support are backed by over 25 years of clinical practice and extensive experience working in the arts community.

The process consists of suggested storyline ideas for scripts, and provision of clinical context to projects curated by a variety of individuals and organizations. The thoughtfully detailed and supportive approach also aims to contribute to creatives’ endeavors to take on mental health plot lines within their work.

It could also be a brief discussion on whether a therapy portrayal is realistic, or if a long-term collaboration on character development would be required. In essence, this collaboration can support the research process that writers benefit from to make their characters more complex and compelling. For example, why is someone internally tortured, but seemingly together and well? Research informs what causes a character like Jules in Pulp Fiction to transform from murderer into someone who no longer perpetrates crimes. Another outstanding instance of the power of a writer's research is in the intricate trauma survival dynamics between the amazingly resilient character, Precious, and her family, in the film by this character's name.

Clinical Consultation for Psychotherapists 

Individual and group consultations are held to mutually sharpen our clinical skills, while caring for ourselves and each other. Becoming a psychotherapist entails a commitment to listen deeply to our clients and ourselves in the interest of healing and growth. In order to offer our gifts and invite our clients to maximize theirs, we benefit from our colleagues’ presence as sounding boards and holders of safe space to continue serving from a place of wholeness.

Individual consultation provides the opportunity for more extended reflections about work with clients, as well as the areas of growth and self-care prompted by it. Once-monthly group consultation, carried out during 6-month cycles including 6 clinicians, enriches community building and promotes clinical mentorship among colleagues.

Although our training supports the ability to be in the presence of profound pain, this community can add resources to replenish energy and compliment other ways to tend to our own elicited pains or challenges. A key goal is to help prevent burnout by decreasing the isolation therapists can experience in private practice.


Certain meetings will include speakers addressing a variety of themes that can enhance the clinical skills, strengthen ethical practices, and add opportunities to develop more professional connections.

Once quarterly, a retreat will be coordinated to further reinforce our restoration practices and just enjoy each other. Let’s join in this journey!